Monday, May 26, 2008

Weekend Notes: Are You Not Entertained? Is this not why you are here?

So I thought I'd finally post the awesome STUMBLE VI t-shirt that I got at last weekend's pub crawl. As you can see this is quality work, and the best way to get one of these is to attend one of their kick-ass events. Have the guy write you a receipt for the T-shirt and write it off as it goes to charity. OK, so I was at a local Beer Summit a few weekends ago, and by Beer Summit, I mean hanging out with some college friends and other assorted ne'er do wells and my blog here was called "one note". It seems some people would rather I spice up the blog with Scarlett Johansson boob updates, One Tree Hill updates, Jessica Biel nude pictures or some crap like that. Well that's not happening, and that's why I went all Gladiator with my post title. This blog is about the beer people, not about what you might find in People Magazine. Now this past weekend I was able to try some McGinty IPA, a beer you won't find on many shelves because it was brewed by one of my friends. It ranked right up there with a Harpoon IPA. It was a tiny bit less hoppy and had a tartness that turned the bitter inducing grimace into a smile. Definitely a 3.5 rating, and did I mention it was 10% ABV? Good times. Well this was a big weekend for the Beer Crusade, we now have our Final Four and I imagine no one in their pools picked this Final four of Narragansett, MGD, Natty Light and Mich Light, but that's why I play the game. We also inducted our first Hall of Fame beer, Dale's Pale Ale. I plan on enjoying some more of the DPA this evening. I also updated the site with quick links to the beer styles I have reviewed thus far, those are on the right hand side of the column if you scroll down. I also managed to get 5 or 6 beer reviewed but I'll have to post those at a later date.


SaintGunner said...

Count me in the group that likes the blog to have a solid beer focus. I've been in Atlanta the last few weeks, and the Sweetwater Brewery which is near omnipresent their does a few nice beers. The Sweetwater 420 is a pretty mild, crisp Pale that I found quite enjoyable.

Fuller said...

are you calling me a ne'er do well??

jay said...

Thanks for the 3.5! Imagine how good it might have been if I had actually read the directions..