Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Gordon, Oskar Blues Brewery, Lyons, CO

Before you even get the Gordon to your lips, your nose fills with aroma of the hops that infiltrate this beer. When you finish sipping, you think to yourself "Now that's a beer." This beer is overloaded with hops, but not so much so that it takes away from the enjoyment of the beer. It's so packed with flavor and hops I am going to let my buddy Wooderson take over and tell you what this beer is about. "Let me tell you what Gordon is packin' right here. We got six different malts, three types of hops, dry hopped with Amaraillo, 85 IBUs and 8.7% alcohol by volume. We're talking some fuckin' muscle." Another great thing about this beer? It comes in a can and tastes this good. This, along with its Oskar Blues running mate, Dale's Pale Ale, are the best beers to come in a can, perhaps ever. This is the kind of beer what this blog is all about. Gordon gets a 4.5 and is teetering on the edge of the HoF.


eileen said...

A request- can you list where you purchased/tried the beers, for us locals?

I'm guessing that the Hub doesn't stock this one.

Beer Crusade said...

Will do. I was able to get the Gordon at a little bar in South Boston called The Junction or

Beer Crusade said...

Also this website is a bit sketchy as it doesn't work at my desk at my office but works at my coworkers. It is it has a very handy Beer Finder search engine by zip code.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the review. It will take some work to find Gordon, but I did pick up a six pack of Dale's on the way home last night. It was very good, though it felt odd to purchase cans of beer that didn't have "Light" or "Ice" printed on them.

SaintGunner said...

Jeven, be honest, it really felt weird purchasing cans that didn't have "Keystone" on them.