Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Blue Moon: Honey Moon Summer Ale

Anyone else out there a fan of Blue Moon? Well, anyone else besides you Sargent Crowley... To me, a nice cold Blue Moon on a warm summer's night usually hits the spot. Tonight however, that was not the case.

I'm dog sitting for my brother, and I don't really know the area, so I don't really know where the good liquor stores are. I had to hit a smaller store with less of a selection and this was the only brew they had that I hadn't had before. Last time I make that mistake.

When first opened, you're hit with a rush of citrus scent, so I'm thinking this is a good thing. My first sip was flavorful and I actually thought I could taste a hint of honey. Well I was sadly mistaken. A quarter of the way thru the bottle, the citrus disappeared and I was left with a Coors Light, which was very disappointing. So I thought I'd try a second bottle, thinking maybe it was just the one I tried. Wrong again Kemosabe. The same thing happened here.

At 5.2%abv, I couldn't even manage a buzz either. All in all, this beer ranks a very unsolid 1.5. I'm a fan of Blue Moon, so I had high hopes, but all I got was a cheap Coors Light. Very sad.

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